Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Update

Welcome to Enfants du Mekong Singapore blog!

For a few months already, we wanted to launch a blog that will give news of Enfants du Mekong in Singapore to all our sponsors and friends!

Thanks to a dedicated team, composed by Isabelle Virag, Charlotte Macaud and Alexandra Pruvot, this wish comes true!

We hope you will find interesting information about Enfants du Mekong, our actions in Singapore, our events and much more...

If you happen to go and see your "godson" or to visit one of our sponsorship program, do not hesitate to contact us to share your experience on our blog!

Thank you again to our team of volunteers in Singapore who are the foundation for our great achievements!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Typhon aux Philipinnes

Bilan du typhon du 16 décembre 2011

Monday, January 2, 2012